17 June 1970:
Sqn (-) remained at Nui Dat; 1 Tp supported D&E Platoon in AO Centaur; 2 Tp supported land clearing team in AO Betsy; 3 Tp supported 7RAR from Horseshoe in AO Betsy; 4 Tp supported 2 RAR/NZ in AO Jetson, reinforced with 92C.
18 June 1970:
Sqn (-) remained at Nui Dat; 1 Tp supported D&E Platoon in AO Centaur; 2 Tp supported land clearing team in AO Betsy; 3 Tp supported 7RAR from Horseshoe in AO Betsy; 4 Tp supported 2 RAR/NZ in AO Jetson.
4 Tp located bunker base system.
19 June 1970:
Sqn (-) remained at Nui Dat; 1 Tp continued ops in AO Centaur; 2 Tp supported land clearing team and provided protection to RF medevacs in afternoon (AO Betsy); 3 Tp supported 7RAR from Horseshoe in AO Betsy, moving to FSB Discovery; 4 Tp supported 2 RAR/NZ in AO Jetson.
20 June 1970:
Sqn (-) remained at Nui Dat; 1 Tp returned to Nui Dat from AO Centaur; 2 Tp returned to Nui Dat on conclusion land clearing team following land clearing team mine damage; 3 Tp supported 7RAR in AO Betsy; 4 Tp supported 2 RAR/NZ in AO Jetson.
21 June 1970:
Sqn (-) remained at Nui Dat; 1 and 2 Tp rest and maintenance, 3 Tp supported 7RAR in AO Betsy, 4 Troop supported 2RAR/NZ in AO Jetson.
(FSB Discovery) 3 Tp engaged lights with no result.
4 Tp located grave and investigated.
22 June 1970:
Sqn (-) remained at Nui Dat; 3 Tp supported 7RAR in AO
Betsy; 4 Troop supported 2RAR/NZ in AO Jetson.
4 Tp located grave and investigated.
4 Tp sighted 15 persons---no engagement.
23 June 1970:
Sqn (-) remained at Nui Dat; 3 Tp supported 7RAR in AO Betsy, returning to the Horseshoe from FSB Discovery; 4 Troop supported
2RAR/NZ in AO Jetson. 1 Tp moved with 8RAR ambush platoon to Long Hais for mine protection and then returned to Nui Dat.
1 Tp, Callsign 1, hit M16 mine, no damage or casualties.
24 June 1970:
Sqn (-) remained at Nui Dat; 3 Tp continued to support 7RAR in AO Betsy; 4 Tp supported 2RAR/NZ in AO Jetson.
25--26 June 1970:
As above.
28 June 1970:
Sqn (-) remained at Nui Dat; 3 Tp continued to support 7RAR in AO Betsy; 4 Tp supported 2RAR/NZ in AO Jetson.
29 June 1970:
Sqn (-) prepared to deploy to AO Camel in support of 8RAR. 1 Tp AO Camel; 2 Tp Nui Dat; 3 Tp supported 7RAR from Horseshoe; 4 Tp returned from AO Jetson to Nui Dat.
30 June 1970:
Sqn (-) deployed to AO Camel in support of 8RAR. 1 Tp, 2 Tp, Composite Tp AO Camel; 3 Tp Horseshoe supported 7RAR in AO Shepherd; 4 Tp Nui Dat for maintenance and R&C.
During June the Squadron continued normal close support of 1ATF units, primarily infantry battalions, 17 Const Sqn land clearing team and 1 Field Sqn road construction. Whilst many tasks were static defensive positions in preparation for reactions, the Squadron also conducted RIFs and night ambushes in co-ordination with the supported units.
1 July 1970:
Sqn (-) deployed in AO Camel. SHQ, 1 Tp, 2 Tp, Composite Tp, supported 8RAR in AO Camel. 3 Tp Supported 7RAR in AO Shepherd. [4 Tp Nui Dat].
Captain Bowd, Sqn 2IC, Admin Comd from 1 Jul to 8 Jul whilst OC absent on R&R.
2 July 1970:
Sqn (-) remained in support 8RAR in AO Camel. 1 Tp, 2 Tp supported companies and Composite Tp protected guns at FSB Kylie. 3 Tp supported 7RAR in AO Shepherd. 4 Tp [at] Nui Dat for rest and maintenance.
3 July 1970:
As above.
2 Tp located fresh tracks.
4 July 1970:
Sqn (-) remained in support 8RAR in AO Camel. 1 Tp, 2 Tp supported companies and Composite Tp returned to Nui Dat. 1 Tp assumed [responsibility for] defence of guns at FSB Kylie. 3 Tp supported 7RAR in AO Shepherd. 4 Tp rest and maintenance.
5 July 1970:
Sqn (-) remained in support 8RAR in AO Camel. 1 Tp protected guns at FSB Kylie; 2 Tp on reaction from FSB Kylie; 3 Tp supported 7RAR in AO Shepherd; 4 Tp rest and maintenance.
6 July 1970:
Sqn (-) remained at Nui Dat. 1 Tp supported 8RAR in AO Camel, SHQ and 2 Tp returned to Nui Dat; 3 Tp supported 7RAR in AO Shepherd; 4 Tp rest and maintenance.
7 July 1970:
Sqn (-) remained at Nui Dat. 1 Tp supported 8RAR in AO Camel (extended), reacting to a position from which Battalion could be supported in suspected bunkers reported by NVA PW; 2 Tp rest and maintenance; 3 Tp supported 7RAR in AO Shepherd; 4 Tp rest and maintenance.
8 July 1970:
Sqn (-) remained at Nui Dat. 1 Tp supported 8RAR in AO Camel extended; 2 Tp rest and maintenance; 3 Tp supported 7RAR in AO Shepherd; 4 Tp rest and maintenance.
Major Chipman RTU from R&R.
1 Tp in support of C Company 8RAR contacted enemy who employed delaying tactics and assaulted bunker system. Fire reported in 1A, minor mechanical fault, not due to enemy action.
9 July 1970:
Sqn (-) remained at Nui Dat. 1 Tp supported 8RAR in AO Camel extended during investigation of bunker system; 2 Tp rest and maintenance; 3 Tp supported 7RAR in AO Shepherd; 4 Tp rest and maintenance.