1 September 1969:
Tank troops remained op con to 6RAR in AO Stuart and 9RAR in AO Burr. One troop remained with 1 ATF ready reaction force (RRF) for recce ops, returned to 1ATF Base at 1630hrs.
2 September 1969:
As above, one troop on RRF standby.
3 September 1969:
One troop plus supporting elements commenced recce and ambush ops in AO Sabot; others as above.
4 September 1969:
As above. At 1900hrs, B Sqn 1 Armd Group contacted an estimated 20 VC; results 1 Aust WIA (accidentally), enemy unknown.
5 September 1969:
As above. At 1230hrs 4 Troop carried out sweep of contact area [from day before]; found pack containing clean and used greens, one notebook, plus food. Well used tracks were also found in the area. At 1900hrs, 4 Troop B Sqn 1 Armd Regt observed 3 to 4 enemy moving east to west. Range too great [to engage with] small arms. Artillery engaged area.
6 September 1969:
One TP plus supporting elements continued recce and ambush ops in AO Sabot. Tank Tps continued op con 6RAR in AO Stuart and 9RAR in AO Burr. One TP remained on 1ATF ready reaction force standby. At 1100hrs four VC were sighted by B Sqn 1 Armd Group, moving from west then turned south;not engaged. At 1150hrs B Sqn group sighted three VC dressed in khaki. Lost contact in creek line. At 1400hrs B Sqn group found mine (Claymore M18) with switch, on side of road.
7 September 1969:
One TP plus supporting elements continued recce and ambush ops in AO Sabot. One TP remained op con 6RAR in AO Stuart. One TP remained on 1ATF ready reaction force standby.
8 September 1969:
One TP plus supporting elements continued recce and ambush ops in AO Sabot. One TP commenced redeployment from AO Stuart to Horseshoe Hill. One TP remained on 1ATF ready reaction force standby. At 1630hrs three enemy dressed in black approached 4 Tp B Sqn 1 Armd Regt. 4 Tp engaged with .30cal with negative results. Later a 12ftx12ft bunker was located directly beneath Route 2. A tunnel was also found leading from the bunker to the east.
9 September 1969
SHQ (-) plus one TP and supporting elements continued security operations in AO Sabot. One TP remained on Horseshoe Hill. One TP remained on 1ATF ready reaction standby.
10 September 1969:
SHQ (-) plus one TP and supporting elements continued security operations in AO Sabot and AO Burr (extension). One TP remained at Horseshoe Hill. One TP remained on 1ATF ready reaction standby.
11 September 1969:
SHQ (-) plus one TP and supporting elements continued to support 9RAR operations in AO Burr. One TP remained at Horseshoe Hill. One TP remained on 1ATF ready reaction standby.
12 September 1969:
SHQ (-) plus one TP and supporting elements continued to support 9RAR operations in AO Burr. One TP remained at Horseshoe Hill. One TP remained on 1ATF ready reaction standby.
13 September 1969:
As above
14 September 1969:
SHQ (-) plus one TP and supporting elements continued to support 9RAR in AO Burr . One TP remained at Horseshoe Hill. One TP remained on 1ATF Ready Reaction Force standby. At 1557hrs, 4 Tp B Sqn located two freshly dig weapon pits, a well used track leading north, [and] six small gardens camouflaged against air observation. Contacted enemy with negative results.
15 September 1969:
SHQ (-) plus one TP and supporting elements continue recce and ambush operations in AO Sabot (restricted). One TP remained at Horseshoe Hill. One TP remained on 1ATF Ready Reaction Force standby.
16 September 1969:
SHQ (-) plus one TP and supporting elements continue recce and ambush operations in AO Sabot (restricted). One TP remained at Horseshoe Hill. One TP remained on 1ATF Ready Reaction Force standby. At 0930hrs B Sqn 1 Armd group contacted three to five enemy moving South East. Negative CAS. At 1255hrs, B Sqn 1 Armd Group reported evidence of heavy movement.
17 September 1969:
SHQ (-) plus one TP and supporting elements continue recce and ambush operations in AO Sabot (restricted). One TP remained at Horseshoe Hill. One TP remained on 1ATF Ready Reaction Force standby.
18 September 1969:
SHQ (-) plus one TP and supporting elements continued recce and ambush operations in AO Sabot. One TP remained on Horseshoe Hill. One TP remained on 1ATF ready reaction force standby. AT YS 462821, elements of B Sqn 1 Armd group located a 25lb electrically detonated Chicom mine. At YS 463819, elements of B Sqn 1 Armd group located a 40lb electrically detonated Chicom mine.
19 September 1969:
SHQ (-) plus one TP and supporting elements continued recce and ambush operations in AO Sabot. One TP remained on Horseshoe Hill. One TP remained on 1ATF ready reaction force standby.
21 September 1969:
As above.
22 September 1969:
SHQ (-) plus two Tps and supporting infantry elements continued recce and ambush operations in AO Sabot. One TP remained on Horseshoe Hill. One TP remained on 1ATF ready reaction force standby. At 1640hrs, a Hoi Chanh gave himself up to the Xa Bang Post. He reported a Battalion HQ and a Coy at GYS 466859, a Coy HQ at GYS 455860 and a Coy in G Sq 4785. Later it was stated from Duc Thanh post that this info was not reliable. 1ATF reacted the Tango Force to grid YS 454860. C/s 23 swept the area with I 8 and TA 85. I 82 was deployed north of the location. 20B and 21 remained in their AP. The sweep revealed no sign of the enemy. 20B moved off at 1730hrs to rejoin c/s 23 and supporting elements.
23 September 1969:
SHQ (-) plus 2 Tps and supporting infantry elements continued recce and ambush operations in AO Sabot. One TP remained at Horseshoe Hill. One TP remained on 1ATF Ready Reaction Force standby.
24 September 1969:
SHQ (-) plus 2 Tps and supporting infantry elements continued recce and ambush operations in AO Sabot. One TP remained at Horseshoe Hill. One TP remained on 1ATF Ready Reaction Force standby. At YS488880 elements of B Sqn 1Armd Regt observed 8 VC but were unable to engage; at 0700hrs Callsign 23 sighted 2 VC; at 1650hrs movement was reported 200 metres south west of a listening post...movement was in direction of Tango Force northern AP. Six rounds of155mm were fired from Black Horse. Two sweeps were carried out. Negative results
25 September 1969:
SHQ (-) plus 2 Tps and supporting infantry elements continued recce and ambush operations in AO Sabot. One TP remained at Horseshoe Hill. One TP remained on 1ATF Ready Reaction Force standby.