12 April 1969:
B Sqn (-) remained in FSB Martine; 1 and 2 Troops Nui Dat; 3 Troop op con 9RAR; 4 Troop engaged several caves, tunnel entrances and bunkers in the Nui Thi Vai mountains without incident.
13 April 1969:
No Change
14 April 1969:
B Sqn (-) remained in FSB Martine; 1 and 2 Troops Nui Dat; 3 Troop op con 9RAR; 4 Troop with elements of D&E Platoon carried out RIF in AO Camden without contact.
15 April 1969:
B Sqn (-) returned to 1ATF base; 1 and 2 troops remained Nui Dat; 3 Troop remained op con to 9RAR until 1700hrs then returned [to Nui Dat]. This is the first time B Sqn have been together since 11 Feb 1969, a total of 61 days. However, as B Sqn took over from C Sqn deployed, it was the first time all tanks had been together for 133 days.
16 April 1969:
B Sqn (-) remained Nui Dat; 2 and 3 Troop provided security for the establishment of FSB Virginia; 4 Troop op con 9RAR.
17 April 1969:
B Sqn (-) 1ATF base; 2 Troop op con 4RAR/NZ; 4 Troop op con 9RAR.
18 April 1969:
B Sqn (-) 1ATF base; 2 Troop op con 4RAR; 4 Troop op con 9RAR. At 1220hrs 2 Troop engaged two VC with negative results. At 1301hrs 2Troop were fired on by enemy from houses.
19 April 1969:
B Sqn (-) 1ATF base; 2 Troop 4RAR (FSB Virginia); 4 Troop 9RAR (FSB Mardi)
20 April 1969:
B Sqn (-) 1ATF Base; 2Troop 4RAR; 4 Troop 9RAR. At 1200hrs 2 and 3 Troop supported W Company 4RAR with fire during a sweep through a suspected enemy camp.
21 April 1969:
B Sqn (-) 1ATF base; 2 Troop op con 4RAR; 2 Troop conducted an operation to move illegal squatters.
22 April 1969:
1 Troop moved with 5RAR into FSB Bruiser; 2 Troop op con 4RAR; 3 Troop 1ATF base, 4 Troop remains op con 9RAR.
23 April 1969:
1 Troop op con 5RAR; 2 Troop op con 4 RAR; 4 Troop carried out escort duties in AOs Glenelg and Coogee.
24 April 1969:
2 Troop op con 4RAR; 4 Troop relieved 1 Troop op con 5RAR
25 April 1969:
2 Troop remained op con 4RAR (FSB Virginia); 4 Troop remained op con 5RAR (FSB Bruiser)
26-30 April 1969:
As above
1 May 1969:
2 Tp released op con 4RAR at 1200hrs and joined a composite force consisting of elements of B Sqn HQ, elements of A Sqn 3 Cav Regt and 1 ATF D&E Pl for operations in AO Tahbilk. 4 Tp released op con 5RAR and placed under Comd 1 Field Sqn with effect 0630hrs for land clearing operations.
2 May 1969:
SHQ (-) and 2 Tp continued operations in AO Tahbilk. At 1615hrs elements of the force located a tunnel. This will be destroyed by Sector Authorities.
3 May 1969:
SHQ (-), 2Tp, 2 Sect Support Tp A Sqn 3 Cav and D&E Platoon (-) continued operations in AO Tahbilk without contact. 1 Tp became op con 5RAR with effect 0630hrs. 2 Tp (-) carried out bridge recce at YS 486636. 4 Tp remains op con to 1 Field Squadron for land clearing operations. 4 Tp engaged caves in which movement was seen.
4 May 1969:
SHO (-) and 2 Troop continue operations in AO Tahbilk without contact; 1 Troop remains op con 5RAR in AO Illawarra. 4 Troop remains op con to 1 Field Sqn for land clearing ops.
5 May 1969:
As above.
6 May 1969:
SHQ (-) and 2 Troop continued operations in AO Tahbilk. 4 Troop remained under op con 1 Field Squadron for land clearing ops. At 1109hrs at YS443575 3 Sect 4 Troop struck a M16 mine with no casualties or damage. (Can anyone help me in understanding the reference to "3 Sect 4 Troop"?...Bruce C)
7 May 1969:
SHQ (-), 2 Troop, 4 Troop as above. 1 Troop remained under op con 5 RAR. At 1405hrs callsign 24Bravo struck a pressure Chicom mine , 40-50lbsTNT, suffering minor damage. One Aust WIA (evacuated) with minor injuries. At 1700hrs callsign 24 was fired on by six enemy armed with small arms and an RPG7, resulting in one Aust WIA (evacuated) and moderate damage to the tank. At 1920hrs the D&E Platoon, under op con B Sqn, contacted one enemy resulting in one en KIA (BC) and one Russian 7.62mm rifle recovered.
8-9 May 1969:
No entry.
10 May 1969:
SHQ (-) and 2 Tp continued operations in AP Tahbilk without contact. 1 Tp remained under op con 5RAR in AO Illawarra. 3 Tp remained under op con 9RAR in AO Aldgate. At 0745hrs, B Sqn Group in AO Tahbilk swept the area of [callsign] TA 83's contact at 092145hrs, locating two drag marks.
11 May 1969:
SHQ (-) and 2 Tp continued operations in AO Tahbilk. At 1004hrs, the force located an illegal village. One suspect VC nurse was captured. Nurse plus 35 illegal residents were handed over to Sector authorities at Duc Thanh. At 1730hrs the force located one VC pack at a tunnel system. The tunnel was destroyed. At 2150hrs the B Sqn force moved from its planned night location to assist ARVN troops in contact at Binh Ba. The force came under fire from an estimated squad of enemy. Enemy force engaged with unknown results.
12 May 1969:
SHQ (-) and 2 Tp plus elements of Support Tp A Sqn 3 Cav Regt and the 1 ATF D&E Platoon continued operations in AO Tahbilk without contact. 1 and 3 Tps remained op con to 5RAR and 9RAR resp. [Callsign] 21Alpha hit a mine at 0852, no casualties, slight damage, track broken.
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